
Volleyball: An Update

July 21, 2020
By Sports Academy Team

Players and Parents,

We hope this email finds you well.

As we continue to navigate through the ongoing pandemic, Ventura County’s current closure and the subsequent reopening process, Sports Academy understands that these times are filled with confusion and uncertainty. Sports Academy Volleyball Club (SAVC) is determined to continue offering opportunities for our athletes to train in a high-level, highly competitive and, above all else, safe environment. As such, SAVC has started to look to the 2020-21 club season.

The Southern California Volleyball Association (SCVA) has released a tentative schedule of 2020-2021 Boys & Girls tournament dates. Although this year’s tournament dates are tentative, SAVC has created a new offering to ensure team training throughout the year, regardless of the SCVA’s future decisions.

The three team-based offerings, listed below, will consist of “locked in” rosters and practice times in order to reduce opportunities of contact outside your group roster.

  • Indoor – $325 a month – 3 practices a week (two 1.5-hour court practices & 1.5-hour sand practice)
  • Beach – $200 a month – 2 practices a week (two 2-hour sand practices)
  • Indoor & Beach Combo – $475 a month – 5 practices a week (3 indoor & 2 sand practices)

Within these, there are two types of memberships:

Pre-Tryout Memberships

  • Tentative start date of August 3
  • First come, first served roster that will be formed by age division, and a new player skill evaluation performed by one of our coaches when necessary
  • Practices will focus on specific skills training and modified game play for each group
  • These groups will continue until the scheduled tryout dates in which we will transition to our “in-season” phase
  • Membership and billing will not start until the rosters are filled with 10 athletes in an age group (Pre-tryout rosters will be capped at 12), and the closure has been lifted
  • SAVC beach membership numbers will be smaller to ensure adherence to our new training group size guidelines

SAVC Team Memberships

  • Formed through a COVID-modified tryout process, with teams selected by our SAVC coaching staff and administrators
  • Teams train in accordance with the regular club season and tournament schedule
  • Training will continue throughout the scheduled season, even if SCVA announces tournament or season cancellations
  • Team Membership will be supplemented by an additional cost for tournament participation if the SCVA season continues as scheduled
  • If the season is cancelled per the SCVA, Team Membership will revert to the $325 per month cost

An Added Bonus: FCA Membership

These new Membership offerings also include a 25% discount on the Sports Academy Full Circle Athlete training program that includes pre-testing and diagnostics on top of the sports-specific training program written and supervised by one of our SA Sports Performance coaches. FCA is modeled after a collegiate level team training and is offered in small group settings for a more focused program. FCA is an unlimited training membership that includes Sports Academy’s recovery offerings.

Want to Know More?

Please feel free to share this with classmates, teammates, or families outside our club looking to continue training in a safe environment. If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact Rich Baraza


Team SA

PS: You can ready about the safety measures we are taking here.

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